Knee to head high


Deep Fish


5’0” to 6’2”


Small Wave Wonders!!  For those in-between swell days when the waves are small, this is one of those MWW you’ll want to grab!  The Gemini 2 is a performance type twin that is loose and fun to ride!  With hips and fish tail that are semi wide, this board carries you over smaller or softer faces.  However, its narrow enough so its still easy turning and pivotal.   For speed, the Gemini 2 is shaped with moderately deep concaves, plus we have added two trough type channels for more speed and drive.  As for fin type, ride it with a traditional upright template, or as an alternative, you could use a set of keel fins.   Either one would work well.  Ride it 4” to 6” shorter than your normal board, a little thicker and definitely wider.  Dims are adjusted to how short you go.  The feedback has been great on this model.  So even when the waves are a little small get out there and you’ll have loads of fun with the Gemini 2!


Hi Glenn, used the gemini today. Easy to paddle, pretty fast over flat sections. Had fun sliding the tail. Thanks, the board works great!